ayurvedic detox cure
Detoxification cure (Panchakarma Kur) for a healthy life
The Detox Cure - the flagship of Ayurveda
This sophisticated detox treatment was developed by the sages of the Vedic civilisation in India.
It is impossible to explain how they came up with this knowledge.
In any case, there is nothing comparable in the other medical systems of our world.
What is the purpose of such a detoxification cure?
- - For some chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases, with the help of a detoxification cure we come to a causal healing by releasing deep-seated toxins and thus blockages.
- - For the prevention of diseases and a longer and healthier life.
- - Because we are worth it: Our life is unique and means everything to us. But only when we enjoy it can we recognise its value. A very important prerequisite for this enjoyment is our health. When nothing pinches and twinges, we are freer to devote ourselves to the higher meaning of our life. Our body is not replaceable and is our entrusted vehicle. We should pay at least as much attention to its care as we do to our cars, homes and clothes.
10 Days Detox Programme +:
5 days of preparation - 10 days of intensive cleansing - 7 days of tissue building and rejuvenation. In total, it is a 22-day cure.
What does it take from you?
- - 11 days' holiday or part-time work that comes easily.
- - Enjoy taking time for your own health and cooking.
The 10 day programme is the core of the Detox cure and during this time it is really best to have a holiday (10 + first build up day). It is also possible to work a few hours every day. However, if you do, it should not be stressful, but easy. So no stressful phone calls with customers, hurried work on the computer, ... Stress signals to the body that now is not the time to detoxify. You can work normally during the preparation time. The same applies to the follow-up time (3rd phase); of course, it is also nice and sensible to "go piano" in the 3rd phase, if you can afford it.
Where will the cure take place and who will lead it?
You yourself will be their best detox doctor and their spa will be their home. We will give them the instructions and the tools. It should be simple, understandable, doable, affordable and of course enjoyable.
What does the Detox Cure include?
- - A case history discussion on the phone, Zoom or in my practice.
- Ausstellen eines entgiftenden individuellen Kräuterrezepts anhand der Anamnese. Die Kräutermischung kann von Ihnen in der Zieten Apotheke (Kräuterapotheke) bestellt werden.
- Zusätzlich zu der individuellen Kräutermischung gibt es traditionelle ayurvedische Detox-Kräuter und Kräuterghees, die ich Ihnen nenne und die Sie selbst bei der Ayurshakti Klinik bestellen werden. Diese kosten insgesamt 84 Euro (Ursprünglich habe ich das auf den Preis aufgeschlagen und die Bestellung selbst getätigt aber das erwies sich als umständlich).
- Ein Paket kommt von mir mit meiner individuell zusammengestellten Kräutermischung für 2 Einläufe (Basti). Außerdem die Abführkräuter (aus der Ayushakti Klinik), die ebenso auf Sie abgestimmt sind.
- Ihre digitale Plattform beinhaltet: den täglichen Ablaufplan, entgiftende Kochrezepte, Kräutereinnahme Anleitungen, ayurvedische Anwendungen, Lifestyle Empfehlungen, Videoclips für ein besseres Verständnis.
- Beratung während der Kur und ein Abschlussgespräch per Telefon, Zoom (ca. 15 min) oder Email. Ein weiterer Anamnese Termin mit neuem Kräuterrezept kostet 35 Euro (statt 45).
7 Days Detox Programme +:
2 preparation days - 7 intensive cleansing days - 2 build-up days. In total, it is an 11-day cure.
What does it take from you?
- - 8 days' holiday or part-time work that comes easily.
- - Enjoy taking time for your own health and cooking.
During the 7-8 days it is important that you do not have any stress. There is enough space to have one or two appointments and also to work some of the time. It is crucial that you are not under pressure and that things go easily. Otherwise your organism will not be able to rest and thus detoxify. 2 days of preparation precede the 7 days, which will not restrict you should you still be working. The 7th day is the laxative day and the 8th day is the first build-up day. A second build-up day follows. For those who still have patience and joy, further nutritional and medicinal herbal recommendations will be given for the next few days so that you can continue to build up (rejuvenate and nourish the tissues) (this will then be easy to combine with work).
Where will the cure take place and who will lead it?
Much like the 22-day cure, the cure location will be your home or their current holiday location. We will give them the instructions and the tools. It should be simple, understandable, doable, affordable and of course enjoyable.
What does the Detox Cure include?
- - A case history discussion on the phone, Zoom or in my practice.
- - A detoxifying individual herbal recipe based on the medical history.
- - a package with the laxative herbs, which are also tailored to you, is sent to you.
- - Your digital platform includes: the daily schedule, detoxifying cooking recipes, herbal intake instructions, Ayurvedic treatments, lifestyle recommendations, video clips for better understanding. The instructions as well as a recipe for an Ayurvedic enema.
- Beratung während der Kur und ein Abschlussgespräch per Telefon, Zoom (ca. 15 min) oder Email. Ein weiterer Anamnese Termin mit neuem Kräuterrezept kostet 35 Euro (statt 45).
Special feature of the Detox cure:
The wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine meets regional medicinal herbs. The cure is based on Ayurvedic tradition and my 12 years of study at the Ayushakti Clinic in Mumbai. I combine this knowledge with regional medicine, which enriches us with suitable medicinal herbs and vegetable recipes.
Insight into the strategy of the detox cure
First phase:
Through diet and herbal intake, the digestive tract is first put in order, i.e. freed from waste products. After all, it is the main motor for the recovery of the entire organism.
There are two types of toxins:
- Water-soluble: Excretion via kidneys
- through urine. Fat-soluble: for this, oil (ghee) is administered internally. This penetrates into the deeper tissues and combines with the fat-soluble toxins. It is ultimately to be excreted through the stool.
Second phase:
Only when the intestines are cleared of waste products can the administered oils (ghee) be given and penetrate into deeper layers. After that, the more distant areas are approached through massages, sweating treatments, herbal ingestions. Intestinal evacuation through herbal laxatives (Virechan) is done only when the digestive fire (Agni) is high enough.
Third phase:
The laxative day is followed by cleansing and nourishing Ayurvedic enemas (bastis) in alternation. After the digestive fire has decreased again through the laxative day, the wind energy (Vata) gets more space. And we regulate this increased Vata with the bastis and at the same time rebuild the cleansed tissues.
In order to give a long and healthy life a higher chance, we have to penetrate into the mentioned secluded areas and thus ensure the space for the inner flow. For this we need such a sophisticated system that Ayurveda offers.
Ayurveda has been the traditional Indian system of medicine for a good 5000 years. It reveals the connections in the human being between body, mind and soul and thus views him or her holistically. The flagship of Ayurveda is the sophisticated system of detoxification (Panchakarma). This measure is intended to prevent disease, heal the root of disease and ultimately promote a long, happy and healthy life.
The insidious process - the development of the disease
Our organism has an enormous ability to adapt and compensate. It can store toxins (ama) and acids in the so-called connective tissue for a long time and heavy metals in the bones and hair. For many years we don't notice anything of the deposited mess until the barrels are finally full and the symptoms spill over onto us. The purpose of such an Ayurvedic cure is to prevent this. Kneipp: "Whoever does not spend a little time every day for health, must one day sacrifice more time for illness."