Ayurveda Naturopathy Practice at Schliersee

Oberbayern, PhytotherapieIn my therapeutic approach, I combine my knowledge of regional medicinal plants and their therapeutic use with ancient Ayurvedic knowledge. Ayurveda is a millennia-old system of medicine from India and translates as "knowledge of a long and healthy life".

Learn more about Ayurveda

Procedure of an Ayurvedic treatment

After a detailed conversation, pulse and eye diagnosis, an individual therapy plan is created for you. Nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, based on your complaints and your special constitutional type (Dosha), are always part of the therapy.

Elements of the treatment

Pulse diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis allows a deep insight into the inner happenings of the sick person in just a few seconds. It reveals the imbalances on the physical, mental, emotional level. It exposes the blockages that lead to deterioration. Classically, pulse reading is at the centre of the diagnosis in Ayurvedic therapy.

Eye diagnosis

 Decisive indications for therapy

The iris diagnosis is immeasurably valuable to the therapist as a diagnostic tool. However, it cannot reveal what is happening acutely. For this, the characteristics in the iris change only very slightly and slowly over the years. This is not at all necessary. Almost all patients either know themselves which complaints they have and name them (e.g. "I have had migraines since ...") or come to us with a diagnosis from the doctor. The eye diagnosis is rather a hint diagnosis, which gives an insight into the overall situation of the ill person, which neither conversation, laboratory - nor face diagnosis can offer. It makes the chosen therapy holistic and individual.

Ayurvedic Herbal Recipes

 Therapy with Ayurvedic herbal recipes from the Siddha Veda line.

Through my intensive study of Ayurveda, as well as my internships at the Ayushakti Clinic in Mumbai, I have learned the handling and administration of the Ayurvedic herbal recipes. They are made by the clinic itself and are mostly from parchment scrolls that have been passed down from master to master for thousands of years. Vaidya Pankash Naram, the founder of Ayushakti Clinic, was the last bearer of this tradition. Compared to other herbal formulations in Asia, the compositions of this tradition are very gentle and have a very deep effect when taken over a long period of time. All herbal products are tested for harmful substances.

East meets West - Western medicinal herbs

As remedies, we have equally wonderful western herbs around us that are immeasurable treasures. I have been using them for 18 years and offer herbal tours in our region every year. I have learnt to understand and prescribe our western medicinal herbs also from Ayurvedic aspects. In almost all cases, each patient will also receive an individual western herbal prescription. The composition of a recipe is always based on the pulse and eye diagnosis as well as the Ayurvedic principles. 

Practice address:

Blumenstraße 10, 83727 Schliersee


Erstanamnese: 70 Euro
alle weiteren Termine (alle 4-6 Wochen): 45 Euro

Ayurveda Detox Programm

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Ayurveda is effective for the following diseases:

  • Anaemia
    B12 Mangel
  • Schuppenflechte
  • Cholesterin
  • Reizdarmsyndrom
  • colitis ulcerosa / morbus crohn
  • Migräne
  • Sinusitis
  • Cystitis
  • Burn out Syndrom
  • Gynaecological problems
    • Menstruationsprobleme
    • PMS
    • Unfruchtbarkeit
  • Skin diseases
    • Akne, Ekzeme
    • Neurodermitis
  • Leberbelastungen
  • Magen – und Darmerkrankungen
    • Verdauungsstörungen
  • Neurological diseases
  • Multiple Sklerose (MS)
  •  Lähmungserscheinungen
  •  Kidney disease
  • Mental illnesses
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporose
  • Fibromyalgie
  • Thyroid diseases
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Hashimoto