Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The irritable bowel (colon irretable) is a generic term that includes many different complaints in the digestive tract:


Feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen, sometimes spasmodic pain, feeling of fullness (dyspepsia), flatulence, diarrhea and also constipation.

What causes irritable bowel syndrome?

The essential thing about irritable bowel syndrome is the impaired vegetative tone in connection with emotional instability (Dr. Rudolf Fritz Weiß).

“Tonus” describes a state of tension. In our case it is the intestines. The spasm of the intestine is also what the doctor can diagnose as pathological. “Vegetative” refers to the fact that digestion is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. This nervous system works largely independently of the brain. That is a good thing because it controls vital functions such as breathing. Thus we, highly developed people, who also tend to be forgetful, can forget the vital breathing and do not suffer any harm.

The “second brain” – the root of the irritable bowel

We have all heard of the “gut brain”. It is becoming more and more evident in science how seriously this term is to be taken. This network of nerves that runs through the abdomen is just as complex in structure as our brain. Hence it is also known as the “second brain”. And this is exactly where the root of the irritable bowel problem lies. The function of our second brain is disturbed and therefore overwhelmed. When you hear the word “overwhelmed” you quickly think, “Well, you’re not like that”. Let’s keep in mind how many years our digestive system has been doing the daily highly complicated digestive processes. Often without sense or understanding, we put the most diverse mixtures into our mouths. True to the motto “after me the flood”. Regardless of the time and regardless of whether the processing machinery is ready. This has to shred whatever arrives and ultimately mix everything together well; Watery with oily, which is not possible without “middlemen”.

If the capable „middlemen“ aren’t in sufficient numbers on the spot, things don’t go as smoothly. One or two battles are lost and we may register the war cry as an allergy. Even the ancient healers knew that the allergy starts in the intestine. An allergy can only be successfully treated by putting the digestive system in order.

Back to our introduced word “overwhelming”. If you are overwhelmed, you can tense up, right? Observing these things in yourself seems more difficult than with others. So let’s open our eyes to our fellow human beings when we cross their paths on the sidewalks every day. Or it is easier to observe in the streetcars and subways how so many of us have their lips pinched. Those, which stand nevertheless so much for sensuality.

And why? All you need is a smartphone and a thumb in motion. One really cannot speak of a theater of war here. Most of the time, I take this guesswork out of it, for simple communication. ” I’m on my way. You can already put the water on ”.

Nothing of the explosiveness that such a small middleman is in when a brightly colored chip at the height of the Matterhorn is about to collapse over him. One can observe that children sometimes piss their pants out of fear. It can happen to adults too. Or they react to prolonged stress with constipation. And so diverse are the symptoms of colon irritables.

Communication of the “first brain” and “second brain”

Let’s stretch the bow a little further. The “first brain” is connected to the “second” and vice versa. The nerve cells exchange information with one another. This in turn happens through “middlemen”. These “messenger substances” have a different specialization than the “enzymes” in the intestine. Both come from the same mother, the “intestinal mucosa”. It has now been proven that 95% of the “happiness hormone” serotonin is produced in the intestine. With the mention of serotonin, we are also right in the middle of the realm of emotions.
Processes in the abdomen also have an effect on our feelings, just as the feelings can influence what happens in the abdomen. If the digestive system, i.e. the second brain, does not function properly, the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin is also insufficient. In the case of a mental disorder, too, we can say to the same extent that the therapy of the digestive system should not be neglected.
The psychological component cannot be removed from irritable bowel therapy. Stress or emotional problems that affect the human brain are also passed on to digestion.


We have discussed in detail the complexity of the processes behind irritable bowel syndrome. It goes without saying that a simple chemical drug is completely out of place here. A single chemical agent can not only do nothing in this complex process, it will strain the system even more and cause the affected person to suffer even more. Of course, individual symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation that have gotten out of hand can be quickly corrected with chemical agents. Basically we have to deal with assistants who have known these theaters of war for millions of years. And here we are with the plant world, which has long worked to make the earth livable for us. Over millions of years they have been well trained and used to deal with the most varied of energies and adversities and to green arid, barren land and to let the water come out of the depths again.

Use of medicinal plants

In the use of “medicinal plants” for recovery, the ancient healers already knew that it is much more skillful and more promising to give a medicinal plant several companions on the journey into our digestive tract. So it becomes a troop. You could say “Special unit” well equipped for the type of battle we are engaging them in. We don’t want to say anything more specific about the plants to be prescribed. There is no single recipe that will bring success. The “special unit” must be individually tailored to the person to be treated. You have to be able to act skillfully on the vegetative nervous system. And also directly on the irritated intestinal mucosa.